I’m 76 years of age and read An Everlasting Meal years ago and never, ever forgot it! Best food writing ever!

I’m way past the picky child phase but now we have the picky grand-teenager and changing needs of senior food tastes. I just want to encourage everyone that you all (we all) are doing the best we can in a world gone mad and it’s highly important to give ourselves and each other some grace. It’s gonna be ok. I promise you. And thanks, Tamar, for your beautiful writing then and now!

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This made me cry? In a good way, from solidarity. I love cooking the way I learned in Everlasting Meal, with bits of things from yesterday made into something new, but this earns feedback from my children (6 years and 9 years) like, “this just proves you don’t love us” and “[endless shrieking].” And so we have become a frozen chicken nugget and carrot stick house. I’ve only recently mustered the energy/creativity to add grains and roasted veggies, as long as they’re in their components and not touching one another, which my 6 year old says ruins everything.

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