I am here to recommend Nacho Night as a low-effort dinner party template. A few baking sheets worth of tortilla chips covered in shredded cheese put under the broiler until they’re crispy, then guests can go wild with add-ons. Kimchi was the surprise star of the toppings bar last time I did this.

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Fabulous ideas with iteration. Thank you for reminding me (us) that it's not the menu, yet the action of coming together to enjoy company and share some foods. Love the toast idea- might add sweet and savory toppings.

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New to Town here. This is great. Thank you. All right up my alley. In a previous life I hosted an annual ice cream sundae party on Labor Day. Crowded, sugar-filled, outside and crazy easy. I don’t yet know enough people here to achieve a crowd, but maybe if word gets out about my incredible toast.

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Many years ago, I knew a couple who was invited to a potluck by new neighbors in Portland, ME. After a day of moving and unpacking, they went to the store and came out with a six-pack of beer and a bag of candy corn. Imagine their shame when they arrived at the potluck to find homemade kombucha and every casserole labeled as "gluten-free" or "nut-free" or whatever. Of course, everyone was happy to accept their bounty. All the candy corn was eaten, the beer was drunk, and I choose to believe that they are still friends with all the neighbors that were friend material.

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Onion soup and salad. Works every time.

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