Many years ago when I was a yoga teacher....I went to dinner with several other yoga teachers and students. I ordered something with chicken in it. One of the people at the table said "you're so honest". The assumption being that all yoga instructors are or should be vegetarians. I didn't say anything at the time. But later I said to my husband..."does that mean she lies about being a vegetarian?" "You're so honest" is one of our favorite phrases. Want another cookie? You're so honest. 😂. Regarding beans...I use both depending on my time and inclination. The freezing thing is key though. Sort of best of both worlds.

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It is a great pleasure to read from The Kitchen Shrink! It is always intelligent with humor, charming ,entertaining anecdotes and packed with information. Many thanks for illuminating my day.

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This column is about one of my favorite things about you, Tamar!

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Thank you, Tamar for letting me start the day without politics. :) Cheeseballs! I remember those days.... I haven't had a lot of processed foods in the last 10 years. Not because of damaging my "image" as the healthy granny, but because they just make me feel yucky. As to beans, I agree. They are both okay--canned or dried. I rinse off the preservatives of the canned ones and add those beans to salads. The dried ones I soak overnight in different fluids before cooking the next day - whey, beer, or added feta brine once the feta has left the premises. Whatever rocks my boat that day; it makes them taste different every time. Can't really do that with processed foods. Is soaking cheeseballs in beer a thing? Wuahaha!

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