You found shoulder clod - bone-in? - in/near Hudson? Exactly what I am looking for but unable to find yet. Can you please share your butcher source? My weekend stew project and I would be so grateful!
I'm a Meat Hook superfan! I should say that I thought the chuck was more flavorful. But I got them both there. Call and ask what braising cuts they have. They get a cow a week, so it'll depend where they are in their week. Let me know how it goes!
I Meat Hook stan with you! And of course, the first place I tried. (Perhaps you bought the clod meant for me? It's forgiven...) Will try again tomorrow and see what I can score for my stew. Thanks for the tip on the chuck!
In a similar situation, unwilling to cancel the weekly dinner for a 3rd time I served:
"Turf, Turf, Turf."
3 chix thighs that had been napping on preserved lemon since I cooked them more than several days ago. 2 lamb chops, and 1 denver steak. I doctored up whatever green sauce I had in the back of the refrigerator with a ripe avocado, and a few anchovies. Salad, as you correctly observed, takes energy. Roasted the chicories that had been ignored for at least a week lavished with evo, salt and best balsamic.
The people I love most were happy and I went back to bed.
I've been making a list of guilty pleasures to enjoy during wildfires and fascism as well. Apparently climate extremes and the new regime will allow us to continue indulging in:
-- Peanut M&Ms
-- Downloaded music via Sonos
-- Birdbaths
-- Long walks
-- Frito pie
-- Sunrises & sunsets (tie)
-- Long drives (unless PCH is closed)
-- Criterion Channel
-- Bloody Marys
-- Church
I feel like I'm getting away with so much! it's almost enough to make me forget that perfect strangers, new immature ones, are in possession of my Social Security number.
You found shoulder clod - bone-in? - in/near Hudson? Exactly what I am looking for but unable to find yet. Can you please share your butcher source? My weekend stew project and I would be so grateful!
I'm a Meat Hook superfan! I should say that I thought the chuck was more flavorful. But I got them both there. Call and ask what braising cuts they have. They get a cow a week, so it'll depend where they are in their week. Let me know how it goes!
I Meat Hook stan with you! And of course, the first place I tried. (Perhaps you bought the clod meant for me? It's forgiven...) Will try again tomorrow and see what I can score for my stew. Thanks for the tip on the chuck!
In a similar situation, unwilling to cancel the weekly dinner for a 3rd time I served:
"Turf, Turf, Turf."
3 chix thighs that had been napping on preserved lemon since I cooked them more than several days ago. 2 lamb chops, and 1 denver steak. I doctored up whatever green sauce I had in the back of the refrigerator with a ripe avocado, and a few anchovies. Salad, as you correctly observed, takes energy. Roasted the chicories that had been ignored for at least a week lavished with evo, salt and best balsamic.
The people I love most were happy and I went back to bed.
I am definitely serving turf, turf, turf soon. I love this.
As I lay here stuck in bed with the flu, my town burned to the ground, I feel like you’re speaking directly to me… thank you for this
What a great idea for a blog!
I've been making a list of guilty pleasures to enjoy during wildfires and fascism as well. Apparently climate extremes and the new regime will allow us to continue indulging in:
-- Peanut M&Ms
-- Downloaded music via Sonos
-- Birdbaths
-- Long walks
-- Frito pie
-- Sunrises & sunsets (tie)
-- Long drives (unless PCH is closed)
-- Criterion Channel
-- Bloody Marys
-- Church
I feel like I'm getting away with so much! it's almost enough to make me forget that perfect strangers, new immature ones, are in possession of my Social Security number.
♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Just marvelous <3
An excellent and thoughtful piece, Tamar!
Thank you for this.